toddler, brain gym, stimulasiAbstract
The growth and development stages of children under five are important stages in creating healthy and intelligent children. The age of three years or toddler is the age to see development progress which is reflected in the refinement of skills from the toddler age. At the age of four and five years, children have reached perfection in carrying out movements such as walking, running, jumping and so on. This early childhood period experiences slower body growth compared to body growth in the infant phase. This slower body growth affects children's motor skills. Apart from that, at an early age, children have less fast reactions and lack of motor coordination so children experience problems in carrying out reactions such as making movements. This happens because motor nerve maturity has not developed properly, so proper learning and stimulation are needed. The activity aims to This community service activity aims to improve the motor function of young children (1-3 years) or toddlers using the brain gym method. The method used in this activity is counselling and demonstration of the brain gym program. The result of this activity is Children become able to apply brain gym at the level of growth, and development according to their age and children's skills can increase according to their age stages and when children are taught something they can easily concentrate and be more focused.
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